Doctors can assess your personal health.
Financial planners can assess your financial health.
Parishes have lacked similar validated tools to assess their
operational health. -
After 20+ years of work with over 500 pan-Orthodox parishes, the
OMS team developed its Effective Parish Assessment (EPA). -
The EPA is a reliable, easy, and empirical way to assess the
Parish health and operational effectiveness.

Our Challenge
of cradle Orthodox have left the Church
of young people fall away from the Church
of Orthodox Christians regularly attend Church
of Parishes are dependent on festivals and fundraisers to fund their operations
Is this a “Good Account Before The Awesome Judgment Seat of Christ?”
II Corinthians 5:10
The Effective Parish Assessment Program helps a church optimize to excellence the 6 Pillars and 30 Building Blocks of the most effective and healthy parishes.
The Effective Parish Assessment Program

Learn More About Effective Parish Assessment
You can learn about the Effective Parish Assessment and its 6 Pillars and 30 Building Blocks of the most operationally healthy and effective parishes by listening to a two-part Stewardship Calling Ancient Faith Radio Program.
Part One explores the Pillars of "Vision & Planning,” "Leadership & Teams," and "Stewardship & Generosity."
Part Two explores the Pillars of "Parishioner Engagement,” "Ministries," and "Operational Effectiveness."